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  • Enhance Your Writing with Grammarly: The Ultimate Writing Tool

    Effective communication is vital in various aspects of our lives in today's digital age. Whether you're a student, professional, or simply someone who enjoys writing, Grammarly is here to revolutionize your writing experience. As a leading grammar and spell-checking tool, Grammarly offers many benefits that can help you enhance your writing skills and deliver error-free content. In this blog, we will explore the numerous advantages of using Grammarly and its versatile applications across different writing scenarios. 1. Accurate Grammar and Spelling with Grammarly One of the primary reasons why Grammarly stands out among other writing tools is its ability to detect and correct grammar and spelling errors. Whether you're writing an important email, a research paper, or a blog post, Grammarly's intelligent algorithms analyze your text and highlight mistakes in real time. From identifying typos to suggesting contextual corrections, this tool ensures that your writing remains polished and professional. With Grammarly, you can bid farewell to embarrassing grammar mistakes and create a lasting impression with error-free content. 2. Advanced Writing Suggestions with Grammarly Grammarly goes beyond just detecting basic errors. It offers advanced suggestions to enhance your writing style and clarity. It analyzes your sentence structure, word choice, and overall writing tone to provide tailored recommendations. Using Grammarly can improve your vocabulary, eliminate unnecessary jargon, and optimize your writing to convey ideas more effectively. Whether aiming for a formal academic tone or a conversational blog style, Grammarly can help you strike the right balance and engage your readers effortlessly. 3. Plagiarism Detection with Grammarly Originality is crucial in writing, be it academic papers or creative content. Grammarly's plagiarism detection feature ensures your work is unique and free from unintentional copying. Grammarly identifies potential matches and provides detailed reports by comparing your text against an extensive database of published materials and online sources. This invaluable feature helps you maintain academic integrity, deliver authentic content, and avoid the consequences of unintentional plagiarism. 4. Multilingual Support with Grammarly In our increasingly globalized world, multilingual support has become a necessity. Grammarly understands this and offers a range of language options to cater to diverse users. Whether you're a non-native English speaker or need assistance writing in multiple languages, Grammarly has you covered. Its multilingual capabilities extend to Spanish, French, German, Russian, and more languages. This feature not only ensures accurate grammar and spelling checks but also helps non-native English speakers improve their overall language proficiency. 5. Seamless Integration and Accessibility with Grammarly Grammarly seamlessly integrates with various platforms, including web browsers, Microsoft Office applications, and mobile devices. With the browser extension, you can receive real-time writing suggestions while composing emails, creating documents, or even drafting social media posts. The desktop application lets you work offline and sync your documents across devices. Furthermore, Grammarly's mobile app ensures you access its powerful writing assistance anytime, anywhere. Its user-friendly interface and intuitive design make it accessible to users of all levels of technical expertise. Final Thoughts Grammarly is undeniably a game-changer for anyone seeking to improve their writing skills. Its accurate grammar and spelling checks, advanced writing suggestions, plagiarism detection, multilingual support, and seamless integration make it an indispensable tool for writers of all backgrounds. Using Grammarly can enhance your writing style, save time, and deliver error-free content that leaves a lasting impression on your readers. Embrace the power of Grammarly and unlock your true writing potential today. Download Grammarly for free today! Visit

  • Upsway Marketing Quoted in Recent UpCity Post on "Social Commerce"

    UpCity's recent blog post titled "Experts Share Their Best Social Commerce Tips"! In summary, the rise of social commerce as a marketing strategy for SMBs has seen significant growth, with nearly 31% year-over-year expansion during 2020-2023 and an anticipated value of $1.3 trillion in 2023. Social commerce involves direct sales through platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and emerging contender TikTok. This approach streamlines the shopping experience, reduces friction, and boosts brand visibility. However, challenges related to data tracking, limited control, and privacy must be navigated, requiring active engagement and tailored strategies to succeed. Specifically, Nick Fernandez, the founder of Upsway Marketing, was interviewed and quoted: “Small businesses that are considering social commerce need to establish a strong social media presence, engage with your audience authentically, leverage user-generated content, offer seamless and secure purchasing experiences, and continuously monitor and adapt strategies to capitalize on emerging trends and platforms.” Read UpCity's full blog post:

  • Upsway Marketing Quoted in Recent UpCity Post on "Keyword Research And Competitive Analysis Tips"

    UpCity's recent blog post titled "Keyword Research And Competitive Analysis Tips" provides valuable insights into the importance of keyword research and competitor analysis in the digital marketing landscape. It emphasizes the significance of understanding what people are searching for and tailoring online content and marketing strategies accordingly. The post features expert advice and tips from SEO, content marketing, PPC, and digital strategy professionals, covering topics such as conducting keyword research, using the results effectively, and performing comprehensive competitive analysis. The article underscores the role of these practices in helping small businesses stay competitive, attract organic traffic, improve search engine rankings, and ultimately achieve business goals. Specifically, Nick Fernandez, the founder of Upsway Marketing, was interviewed and quoted: “My best tip for conducting a competitor analysis is to approach it with a curious and investigative mindset. Instead of just looking at surface-level metrics like keyword rankings or social media followers, try to dig deeper and uncover the underlying strategies and tactics that your competitors are using to succeed.” Read UpCity's full blog post:

  • 20 Free Advertising Opportunities for Small Business Owners in 2022

    We’ve put together a list of 20 sites where a company can promote itself at no cost. While these options are free, they require time and effort from you. You may get more for your efforts by focusing on the most relevant sites for your business rather than all. It requires a great deal of time to promote properly, so you want to pick the sites that your customers are likely to use. Take the time to think about how best to engage your potential market. To get started, look at the following sites, and you’ll find at least a few that can bring powerful results to your site. Social Media Social media sites represent the most obvious first step in website promotion. They work most effectively when you have a large platform of followers, but you can also connect with influential users to get the word out. Twitter Currently, Twitter has the most influence among media circles, college students, and other groups. If the right user mentions your website, it could gain a significant following quickly. Facebook Facebook works best with those above age 30 who want to connect with family and friends or argue about politics. It does provide several tools for promoting sites and posts, though. Here’s a guide on how to get more followers too! Instagram Instagram provides a platform where people can share images, music, and videos. Its business arm seeks to connect companies with millions of potential customers and clients. Snapchat This platform has the most influence among those in their teens and 20s. It allows people to exchange messages, images, and videos. The story function represents an effective way to gain followers and promote your site. Tumblr Tumblr has committed to reinventing itself as a social forum. It allows members to create blogs based on shared images. Pinterest Small businesses thrive while promoting products on Pinterest. Most know it as a great place to share recipes and crafts, but the right approach could boost small business exposure. Pinterest’s analytics can help track your impact. LinkedIn LinkedIn has utilized its massive base of members to create several tools that help businesses. It’s helpful in establishing your business as an industry thought leader and is ideal for those in the service sector or B2B brands. TikTok TikTok is a booming social media site launched in 2014, originally named “” In the last two years, it has become one of the largest social media platforms, making it a great place to promote your website online. TikTok centers around short, funny video clips and interacting with other users. This makes it ideal for businesses with a younger audience and a fun brand image. Directories Angi (formerly Angie's List) This directory provides names and reviews of businesses involved in contracting. Angi is nationally promoted and a powerful platform to well-reviewed firms. Apple Maps For those who don’t know, Apple Maps is Apple’s addition to the GPS marketplace and a direct competitor with Google Maps. Apple Maps is preinstalled on every mobile Apple device and computer and receives over five billion user requests weekly. In other words, if your business isn’t on Apple Maps, you’re missing out on a lot of potential traffic. Google My Business Google My Business is one of the important places to promote your website online in 2022. It improves your SEO, tells prospective customers more about your business, creates rich search results when people search for your business, allows customers to review and contact your business through Google, and much more. You're missing out if you don’t have a GMB account yet. Better Business Bureau The Better Business Bureau has been a standard location for well-reputed businesses to promote themselves. They were being listed on the BBB used to be standard fare for those seeking to establish a positive reputation. The BBB was a resource before the common use of computers. Yelp This represents an easy way to get the name of a business, especially a food or retail establishment, out into the public eye. The website and the Yelp mobile app, publish crowd-sourced reviews about businesses. Bing Places for Business Bing Places for Business is Bing’s alternative to Google My Business. It functions almost the same way, providing you with the same features and tools for promoting your website. The benefit of Bing Places is that it opens you up to another portion of the internet-based market, and best of all, because Bing isn’t as widely used as Google, it’s easier for businesses to stand out on the lesser-used search engine. TripAdvisor Travelers know that TripAdvisor can be a virtual lifesaver. Users will often search TripAdvisor religiously when visiting a new place. It can help find the best deals and quality service from hotels, restaurants, retail outlets, and more. Others YouTube YouTube might serve as the most powerful promotional platform in the world. It can take a five-minute family-made film and turn its owner into a successful person almost overnight if users enjoy it. YouTube provides great tools to help develop and grow businesses online. Vimeo Like YouTube and Dailymotion, Vimeo is a platform for video content creation and sharing. The main difference in Vimeo is that it places more focus and influence on monetizing video products. While it has a free service, using the monetization tools costs money. Free Press Release Free Press Release offers a distribution service that shares your press releases with the FPR network and also works to place them high on search engines’ radars. 24-7 Press Release Like other press release distribution services, 24-7 Press Release will take your announcement and spread it among various news and media services. It also boasts of a connection to the Associated Press. Trustpilot Speaking of trusted and informational websites, let’s talk about Trustpilot. Trustpilot is an online platform dedicated to giving consumers a voice. It allows people to review and promote businesses they like and share negative experiences with other users on the platform. You can use Trustpilot to your advantage by requesting that your customers review you on the site. You can then share positive reviews directly on your website, boosting your reputation and credibility. To learn more about promoting your small business or startup online, check out the rest of Upsway Marketing's Blog. If you’d like to launch a new website or social media campaign fast and affordably try the Upsway today!

  • Navigating International Markets with the 3 A's: Aggregation, Arbitrage, and Adaptation in Marketing

    Businesses are expanding their horizons beyond their home markets. This expansion brings with it the challenge of adapting marketing strategies to diverse international landscapes. Enter the "Three A's" of marketing strategy: Aggregation, Arbitrage, and Adaptation. These strategies are essential tools for companies seeking to strike the right balance between cost efficiency and local responsiveness in international marketing. Let's dive into each strategy, exploring real-world examples, relevant statistics, and credible sources. Aggregation Strategy: Leveraging Commonalities Aggregation strategy involves identifying commonalities among target markets and leveraging a firm's unique capabilities to create value. By focusing on similarities, companies can streamline their marketing efforts while delivering products and services that resonate across multiple markets. Example: Apple's Global Success Apple's success in international markets is a testament to the power of aggregation strategy. The company offers a consistent product lineup worldwide, tailored to meet universal consumer desires for sleek design, user-friendly interfaces, and seamless integration. This approach has paid off: In Q4 2020, Apple reported $64.7 billion in international sales, accounting for 59% of its total revenue1. Statistical Insight: According to a McKinsey survey2, companies that adopt a standardized approach to marketing across regions have a 31% higher total return to shareholders. Arbitrage Strategy: Capitalizing on Differences Arbitrage strategy involves identifying and exploiting differences between markets to create value. Companies choose pairs or groups of countries based on unique factors that allow them to optimize costs or take advantage of regulatory variations. Example: McDonald's Localization Strategy McDonald's is a prime example of using arbitrage to succeed in diverse markets. The company tailors its menu to local tastes while maintaining core offerings. For instance, in India, where a large portion of the population is vegetarian, McDonald's offers an extensive range of vegetarian options. In 2020, McDonald's reported $10.81 billion in revenue from the International Lead Markets segment. Statistical Insight: The World Bank reports that global trade flows have grown from $5.3 trillion in 2000 to $18.1 trillion in 20194, highlighting the increasing importance of arbitrage strategies in international business. Adaptation Strategy: Meeting Local Demands Adaptation strategy is employed when a market is significantly different from the home country, but not different enough for arbitrage. Companies focus on tailoring their offerings to meet specific local demands while maintaining a degree of consistency. Example: Coca-Cola's Regional Variations Coca-Cola's regional adaptations demonstrate the power of adaptation strategy. While keeping its signature product consistent, the company creates unique flavors and packaging to cater to local preferences. In Japan, for instance, the company introduced "Coca-Cola Clear," a transparent cola. In 2020, Coca-Cola's international revenue stood at $19.5 billion5. Statistical Insight: A survey by Accenture Strategy found that 58% of consumers are more likely to buy from retailers that offer personalized experiences6, highlighting the importance of adaptation in modern marketing. Conclusion In the dynamic landscape of international marketing, the Three A's—Aggregation, Arbitrage, and Adaptation—offer distinct strategies to address the challenges of cost reduction and local responsiveness. By understanding the nuances of these strategies and tailoring them to specific markets, businesses can position themselves for success on a global scale. Whether it's Apple's universal appeal, McDonald's localized menu, or Coca-Cola's regional adaptations, these strategies showcase the art of balancing global vision with local flavor. Remember, the choice of strategy depends on factors such as cultural differences, economic conditions, and regulatory variations, all of which can be assessed using frameworks like the CAGE framework. As businesses continue to explore new horizons, the Three A's remain powerful tools for crafting effective international marketing campaigns. Sources for Introduction: Harvard Business Review (2018). The ABCs of Global Marketing. Link Khan, S. (2019). The Three A’s of Global Marketing. Link The Balance Small Business. (2021). What Is International Marketing? Link Footnotes Apple Inc. (2020). Fourth Quarter Results. Link ↩ McKinsey & Company (2018). The Power of Parity: How Advancing Women's Equality Can Add $12 Trillion to Global Growth. Link ↩ McDonald's Corporation (2020). 2020 Annual Report. Link ↩ World Bank (2020). World Development Indicators: Trade. Link ↩ The Coca-Cola Company (2020). 2020 Annual Report. Link ↩ Accenture Strategy (2019). The Secret to Winning Customers' Hearts. Link ↩

  • Linkedin’s Post-Scheduling Feature: How To, Pros & Cons

    LinkedIn's scheduling feature allows users to schedule posts in advance, saving time and improving consistency in their social media marketing efforts. Here are some steps and pros and cons to consider: Steps to Schedule a Post on LinkedIn: Log into your LinkedIn account and navigate to your profile page. Click on the "Start a post" button. Compose your post as you usually would. Click on the calendar icon next to the "Post" button and select "Schedule for later." Choose the date and time you want your post to be published. Click on "Schedule" to confirm your post. Pros of LinkedIn Schedule Post Feature: Saves time: Scheduling posts in advance allows users to create content in batches and schedule them in advance, freeing up time for other tasks. Consistency: Scheduling posts ensures that content is posted regularly, which helps to build an engaged audience over time. Flexibility: Users can schedule posts for times when their audience is most active, even if they are unavailable. Better analytics: Scheduled posts allow users to better analyze their social media marketing efforts and determine the best times and types of content to post. Cons of LinkedIn Schedule Post Feature: Lack of spontaneity: Scheduling posts means that users cannot respond to real-time events or trends as they happen. Loss of engagement: Scheduling posts in advance can result in a loss of engagement with the audience if the content is no longer timely or relevant at the time of publication. Dependence on automation: Overreliance on schedule can lead to a lack of personalization, negatively impacting engagement. Over-scheduling: Over-scheduling content can lead to audience fatigue and a loss of interest in the brand or individual.

  • How Defining Buyer Personas Can Improve Your Digital Strategy

    Fundamentally, buyer personas should be a tool that brings insights into why and how customers buy products or services. “72% of respondents stated they were using buyer personas for content marketing and messaging. 45% stated they used it to assess market challenges and problems, as well as to address overall marketing strategy”. “Consumer Think” noted that they saw a close correlation between the effectiveness of the buyer personas and the business goals. Buyer Persona Template 1. Demographic data Search your customer database, read conversations from the support team, and choose a real name for your persona with a real problem or need. Check the demographics at a micro-level. Complete the first section of the Buyer Persona Template with: Name Segment or industry Title or function Years in Job Reports to Age Education Type of persona: Buyer or User How does the demographic data help you with your digital strategy? Describing your buyer persona at a micro-level gives you a better perspective for targeting campaigns and writing positioning messages. 2. Situation Continue your Buyer Persona Template with: A typical day in the life of your buyer persona This step helps you understand your customers’ worlds, what their unmet needs are, their problems, concerns, and joys. Understanding their daily lives and aspirations shapes your digital strategy and gives you a competitive advantage. Social media is a goldmine. You can easily track and get insights about your potential customers, the buying process, their interests, their feedback on your products or competitors, and what they like or don’t like. A typical interaction with your product Understand the real problems for your customers, when they occur in their daily lives, and why they appear. Understanding the reason why people have these needs helps you target better and tweak your positioning. These two steps guide your marketing messages and give insights about: The tone of voice you should use in communication What photos you should use in your digital campaigns What colors you should use in your social media messages Where you should first invest your marketing budget What other products your buyer personas are using, and how they communicate 3. What the buyer persona reads and how the buyer persona is rewarded Complete your buyer persona template with what they read online and offline. Also include how they are motivated at work: compensation, bonus, commission, or other forms of recognition. Final thoughts Marketing in a digital world is always a challenge. Online marketing moves at the speed of light, and we should always be packed with the best tools and instruments for maximizing the ROI and improving the digital strategy. Building a customer persona can be a strong first step.

  • Three Subscriptions That Pay off for Small Business Marketing in 2022

    Upsway Marketing is all for cost-effectiveness and free trials. However, three subscriptions have been worth the bang for our buck. 1) Canva Pro Canva Pro helps small business owners and marketers to: Create presentations for workshops Record a presentation for a video tutorial Create blog post graphics Design social media posts using thousands of templates Make business cards, postcards, and other collateral for your small business Print on demand — amazing quality on print jobs from posters to business cards Upload your own photos and save them in folders Use hundred of thousands of photos included in the Canva Pro plan Upload your custom brand fonts and use them in all your designs Make videos and GIFs Develop custom reports with graphics and charts With Canva Premium, you can make high-quality videos without being a professional video editor. The simple drag-and-drop tool lets you make compelling short videos in minutes using Canva’s library of pre-made templates. You’ll find it easy (and fun) — to make videos every day. 2) Grammarly Premium Grammarly Premium helps small business owners and marketers with: Spelling, Grammar, & Punctuation Clarity-focused sentence rewrites Tone adjustments Inclusive language Word choice Formality level Fluency Additional advanced suggestions Grammarly Premium is a paid upgrade that offers over 400 types of checks and features, checks for grammatical errors, provides vocabulary enhancement suggestions, detects plagiarism, and provides citation suggestions. While the free version of Grammarly allows you to access some of the features we have to offer, Grammarly Premium is the ultimate tool to ensure that everything you write on the web is captivating, precise, and easy to read. 3) Wix Premium Wix Premium plans offer many benefits for small business owners and marketers: Removing Wix ads Connecting a personal domain to your site Premium support Additional storage Extra bandwidth The Wix Premium plans are divided into Website plans and Business & eCommerce plans. Website plans have all the features you need to get your Wix site up and running. Business and eCommerce plans have additional features which allow you to accept payments through your site, view detailed Analytics, gain Ad vouchers, and other advanced Wix Business applications. Sources: Everything You Need To Know About Canva Pro. Grammarly Premium Cookies – Mikado Wings Blog. Wix Premium Plan Pro, 02-2022 - CouponsGoods.

  • The World’s Simplest Social Media Marketing Strategy for Small Businesses

    Upsway Marketing managed to condense social media strategy into ten bullet points: 1) Set S.M.A.R.T. goals (Specific, Measureable, Attainable, Relevant, Time-bound). 2) Revisit and track business objectives, goals, and metrics. 3) Create target audience personas. 4) Spot threats and opportunities with competitive analysis. 5) Audit your current social media (what is and isn't working). 6) Decide which platforms are best for you. 7) Ask consumers/followers what they want/need. 8) Create a content calendar (when and where to post). 9) Determine content mix (80-20 rule or rule of thirds). 10) Evaluate, adjust, repeat.

  • How To Make Your Goals S.M.A.R.T.

    Specific: create clear goals that you can focus your efforts toward. Example questions: "Why is this important? What's being accomplished? Who is involved? Resources needed?" Basically, answering who/what/when/where/why is the first step. Real-life example: "I want Upsway Marketing to be a significant provider for marketing news and consultation." Measurable: establish ways to track progress. Example questions: "How much/many? How will I see my progress?" Real-life example: "I'm working to have at least 2,500 unique visitors to the website by the end of the month. I will use the website analytics to track progress." Achievable: assess the goal for its attainability. Example questions: "Do I have constraints? Is this goal realistic?" Real-life example: "I believe I have the time and resources to gain a larger website following." Relevant: ensure your goals align with the goals of your business/self. Example questions: "Is this worth my time/resources? Is this the right time/place? Am I the right person? Real-life example: "I've audited Upsway Marketing's competitors and believe I can offer differentiated and valuable services." Timely: create a timeline for achieving your goal(s). Example questions: "What can I do today/in a month/in a year from now?" Real-life example: "By the end of each week I would like Upsway Marketing to see an increase of 15% traffic to the website."

  • 6 Proven Ways to Drive Sales With Social Media in 2022

    Social media isn't just about brand awareness; it can drive sales for your business. Your social media has great potential for aiding business growth. 23% of participants said they use social media to learn about products and services. However, not every social media platform has the same audience. Investing in the proper channels is essential. Here are guidelines for getting revenue from social media. 1) Use The Social Channel That Your Followers Use Determine where your target customers spend their time online and use the same social channels. Concentrate on a few platforms rather than wasting resources building multiple accounts. Conduct a thorough analysis of your target demographic. Dig into the profiles of your current customers or find common characteristics of a target audience. Once you know who buys your products/services (or who you want to become a buyer), you should also know which platforms they use. A couple of tips to keep in mind: Most people use Facebook, but it has lost favor with the younger crowd (between ages 18 and 29). If you're skewing toward a millennial audience, you may want to focus your efforts on Instagram and Snapchat. Your target audience's age does not necessarily tell you about their buying trends. Make sure that whatever audience you've picked exhibits buying behavior in the channels they favor. Bottom line: Be present on social platforms where your target audience is present. You increase your chances of driving sales if you can reach your audience where they're present. 2) Create Great Content But Don't Make It Sound Salesy Or Pushy While prioritizing quality over quantity sounds obvious, digital marketers can still get it wrong. Social media users are savvy and mediocre content is less engaging. Spend time creating smaller batches of high-quality content. Share your content at a pace you and your prospects can handle. Remember, content shouldn't feel pushy or salesy. Social media platforms are not solely meant for buying and selling. “I encourage my clients not to focus so directly on sales when it comes to social unless they’re driving an ad campaign with revenue-driven objectives. That’s not the point of social media, although it does happen often because of the role social plays in the consideration process.” – Chelsea McDonald, Sr. Social Media Strategist at DEG Digital. Here are a few suggestions for posts that achieve a good balance between salesy and helpful: Create images inspired by real-life situations. Post pictures and videos that include tips for using your products. Share photos of prospects using or engaging with your products. 3) Make It Easy For People To Buy On Social Channels Pinterest's Buyable Pins In mid-2014, Pinterest introduced buyable pins. These are found in related pins, search results, and enterprise profiles. They allow customers to purchase products without leaving Pinterest, creating a frictionless shopping experience. Pinterest's Rich Pins There are four different types of rich pins: Article pins let customers save stories that they deem essential. Product pins include a specific product's location, availability, and pricing. App pins feature a one-click install button, letting prospects download your app without leaving Pinterest. Recipe pins feature serving size, ingredients, and cooking time. Shoppable Posts on Instagram Shoppable posts are a native integration that helps Instagram users tag products and purchase them instantly from their organic newsfeed. Shoppable Tags In Instagram Stories Shoppable Tags in Instagram Stories allow businesses to tag physical products/services. Users can view an item's description, price, and name when they click on it. 4) Using Instagram To Generate Leads Here's how to combine Instagram features with effective calls to action to generate leads for your business. Make Sure Your Instagram Profile Is Business-Ready And Properly Formatted. You must connect your profile bio to a lead-generating landing page to generate leads on Instagram. However, ensure your profile includes other significant components: Explain why visitors should pay attention to your business. Describe what you do and who you are. Ensure you upload a quality profile image. Most importantly, your bio must have a value-added proposition if an audience clicks on your link. It should have a CTA (call to action) as well. Include CTAs in Your Organic Posts Engaging content in your feed posts is also a great way to generate leads. To achieve lots of reach for a CTA feed post, encourage your active followers to share their Instagram stories. Share Instagram Stories To Generate Leads The Swipe-Up Link on Instagram Stories drives viewers to a certain link. This is a sure way to generate leads using IG Stories. You can also include a CTA in your story posts. 5) Use LinkedIn For Brand Awareness With LinkedIn, your business can establish strategic partnerships, generate leads and build awareness in the following ways: LinkedIn Groups One benefit of using LinkedIn is the capability to create a branded group. This group lets your business run a discussion board connected to your industry. It allows you to create a community around your expertise, service, or product. LinkedIn groups offer excellent visibility for a business because your logo will be visible on each member's profile. Group owners can post various media such as images and videos, and instant notifications allow real-time conversations to take place much easier. Currently, there are millions of LinkedIn groups. For yours to stand out, you must encourage your members to be active. For instance, let members post updates and articles so that other group members can benefit from them. LinkedIn Programmatic Display Ads With LinkedIn Display Ads, you can easily extend your current online display to LinkedIn. To do so, you can either buy display ads specifically via a private auction or add LinkedIn to your current programmatic buy. Display Ads show in the right column of the LinkedIn desktop. Some advantages to consider vs. other social media advertising platforms: LinkedIn only offers a single ad for every page The ad is placed above the fold and has more than 80 percent viewability! LinkedIn Sponsored InMail Sponsored InMail is great for delivering private messages to target audiences at scale. To raise brand awareness using LinkedIn Sponsored InMail, you must craft a great message. If you're not sure how to do this, keep in mind that you can always hire an experienced copywriter to assist you. Either way, note that Sponsored InMail is most effective for boosting brand awareness if used to share thought-leadership assets that add actual value to your customer. We recommend using a personalized message from a thought leader in your business or a relevant expert. 6) Paid Ads Posting frequently to social media and replying to comments alone is not enough to drive sales. The most suitable strategy for making the most of your social accounts is paid ads. While organic reach on social channels drops, paid media helps you reach and boost your audiences quickly. Every social media channel has advertising abilities. Facebook, for instance, features extensive targeting tools. This makes it easy for businesses to develop successful campaigns. Most importantly, the Facebook ads application lets businesses amplify posts to achieve any of these four objectives: Click-throughs Reach Impressions Engagement Thus, your results can be customized depending on your goals. Conclusion I have covered some of the most effective strategies for driving sales using social media channels (LinkedIn, Instagram, Facebook, etc.). These methods involve having an active presence where your prospects are, and creating educational, optimized content without focusing solely on sales. Further, the strategies involve: Simplifying the buying process. Using Instagram to generate leads. Using paid ads and LinkedIn for brand awareness. What are your thoughts? Sources: Effective Ways To Drive Sales With Social Media. How to optimize your social media strategy to increase sales. How To Increase Sales Through Social Media. Social Media Campaigns in Singapore: What Works - MediaOne. What are rich pins? + How to use them to maximise sales ....

  • Social Media Spring Cleaning Tips for Small Businesses

    Audit your social media with these steps and start "spring cleaning." Bio: Check if it's still relevant. Check if your bio describes you/your business. Check if call-to-actions, links, and highlights are up-to-date. Content: Check if your posts reflect what you/your business does. Check if your posts are consistent. Check if your content is goal-oriented. Check if you have call-to-actions within posts. Branding: Check if your brand colors, fonts, and aesthetics are consistent. Responsiveness: Check your response time on messages and comments. Check if you engage with other accounts. *If you're still stuck after this "spring cleaning," S.M.A.R.T. goals may be of value.*

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