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Upsway Quoted in DesignRush Article, “How to Create a Social Media Marketing Plan”

Thank you, DesignRush, for featuring us in your recent article, “How to Create a Social Media Marketing Plan.” Upsway Marketing's founder, Nick Fernandez, was quoted:

"Before presenting ideas or a plan, we love to do social listening and an audit of their current social media. This helps us create a more straightforward strategy by seeing what platforms and what types of content perform, underperform, and why. Then, we identify why the client should be on social media and which platforms fit the best. Social media isn't a one-size-fits-all and should be specific to the industry and target audience. Lastly, we craft engaging content plans, mixing them up with informative, fun, and promotional content that suits their goals. Our content calendars tend to be one month out but with more active clients, we create content daily and forego the calendar for a realtime content approval process."

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